(note: I believe in salvation thru Christ alone ! I promote unity amongst Christian believers (ie protestant-catholic-orthodox) along with trying to get along with other religions (without compromising integrity of our own Christian faith). I was surprised to find this article by Ron in the catholic newspaper because some other catholics are much less inclined towards ecumenical interaction, and sometimes the thrust of these "other" catholics is that evangelism is to bring people to catholicism rather than bring people to Christ. As some independent Christian churches speak out against Catholicism, some of these Catholics also speak out against independent Christianity, even warning against Catholics partaking in communion with such "independent Christians". When they say "independent Christians" they don't identify if they mean any & all non-Catholics or just the calvary chapel type churches or if they even include mainline protestant denominations such as Lutheran, Reformed, et al who routinely recite the Apostles & Nicene Creed. If they speak of all non-Catholics in a "marginalized" manner they are speaking contrary to the creed they, themselves profess (Nicene) so be warned that they are not in conformity with the Vatican and Roman Catholicism at large. Sometimes they become a bit too zealous about Catholicism being the superior form of Christianity. Likewise some independent Christians go too far in denouncing Catholicism as a whole. I also appreciate "tradition."
"principles for interfaith dialogue"
by ron rolheiser
(tidings 4/24/15)
by ron rolheiser
(tidings 4/24/15)