But we are CALLED by GOD to be brothers-&-sisters in Christ, united worldwide, and so it is my HOPE that people will embrace the "Pro-Cath-Ordox" faith and envision yourself more than just Catholic or just Protestant or just Orthodox, but united-in-Christ as pro-cath-ordox !
How to join: There's no need to do anything to become a member of the pro-cath-ordox faith apart from intellectual, emotional, & spiritual agreement with the jist of what I have tried to convey in the above introduction. If you agree, in spirit & in truth, with the aforementioned theme of Christian unity, you are a member of the pro-cath-ordox faith. Welcome, and pass it on !
By the way, I must reiterate the importance of Jesus Christ being the central, common denominator of the pro-cath-ordox faith. We welcome people from any and all faiths or religions as long as they profess faith in Jesus Christ, & salvation only thru Jesus Christ.
I will be periodically posting some thoughts, ideas, other contributions and links etc . God bless you . Keep the Faith !
some of the courses I've completed at various academic institutions over my lifetime
Fuller Seminary:
American Church History (CH506)
Exegetical Method (NE502)
New Testament II Acts to Revelation (NS501)
Systematic Theology II:
Christology/Soteriology (ST502)
Pastoral Counseling (CN520) (Hammer)
New Testament I: The Gospels (NS500)
Pentateuch (OT501)
Systematic Theology I (ST501)(Miroslav Volf)
Book of Acts (NE516)
Writings (OT504) ”The course covers the books
in the third section of the Hebrew scriptures: Psalms, Job, Proverbs, the
Scrolls (Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentations, and Esther), Daniel,
Ezra‐Nehemiah, and Chronicles”.
Spirituality of the Psalms (OT572)
Hebrew Prophets (OT502)
Systematic Theology III (ST503)
Foundation of Ministry II (GM504)
Pauline Theology (NS531)
Person & Practice of Ministry (PM511)
Preaching II (PR511)
Christian Ethics (ET501)
New Testament Exegesis: Hebrews (NE506)
Book of Amos (OT521)
Homiletics (PR500)
Discipleship, Secular Society (ET533)
Beginning Hebrew (LG502)
Worship in a Jewish Context (MR529)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (ST572)
Ethics of Pastoral Care (CN552)
Foundations of Ministry (GM503)
Aramaic (LG525)
Book of Jeremiah (OT516)
Apologetics (PH508)
Preaching (PR511)
Missiology Integration (MI520)
Theories of Human Nature (PH505)
Calvin Seminary:
Ethics (531A)
Church History (311A, 312A, 313A)
Missions (801A, 862A, 802A)
Worship (650A) Teaching Ministry (750A)
Theology (411A) Church &
Ministry (602A)
Chaminade University
of Honolulu
Anthropology (An200)
Biology & Lab 101
Judaism (Religion 480)
Speech (sp140)
Calvin College (University):
Psychology of Education (Educ 301)
Intro to Teaching (Educ 303)
Reading Content, secondary (Educ 307)
Reading Strategies, secondary (Educ 308)
Philosophy of Education (Phil 209)
Survey of English Literature (Engl 202)
Literature of the USA II (Engl 311)
Recent British & American
Literature (Engl319)
History of English Language (Engl330)
Aerobic Aquatics (PE 111) (Timmer)
Solzhenitsyn (Engl W50) (Ericson)
Directed Teaching, secondary (Engl346)
Semester Student Teacher (Engl359)
Shakespeare (Engl303)
Modern Math (Math 100, Zwier)
Developmental Psychology (Psy201, Weaver)
Motivational Psychology (Psy330)
Recreational Leadership (Recr303)
Intro: History of Art (Art231)
Western Civilization (Hx101, Bratt)
Intro to Philosophy (Phil153, Mouw)
Intro to
Psychology (Psy151, Terborg)
Sociology of Prisons (Soc W52)
Micro Economics (Econ221)
Written Rhetoric (Engl100 Baron)
Social Psychology (Psy310)
Biblical Theology (Rel103, Hoeks)
Christian Perspectives on learning (CPOL W10)
Growing Up Wholly/Holy (W11, Sloat)
Business Management & Organization (Bus360)
Business Marketing (Bus380)
Macro Economics (Econ222)
History of Cinema (Engl251)
Intellectual History of the USA (NA)
Therapeutic Exercise (NA)
Psychopathology (Psy212)
Statistics (Psy250)
American Religious History (Rel304)
Spanish Culture (interim)
Semester in Spain (Spanish 101-102, 103-104)
Weight Training (PE114)
Physical Science (Phys110)
Organizational Psychology (Psy301)
History of Psychology (Psy306)
Downhill Skiing (PE150)
Reformed Bible College (RBC)
(now Kuyper College):
Biblical Greek I & II (BBL 510-511, Bremer)
California State
Long Beach
Masters of Social Work
One Semester completed:
S W-500-004 Found Gen SW Prac
S W-503-001 Behave& Env-CR-Cult
S W-505-001 Oppres GRPS:
S W-550-001 Computer/Soc
S W-596A-002 Field Instruct I
( St Mary’s Long Beach Emergency Room)
High School:
Grand Rapids Christian High
Junior High:
Millbrook Christian, Grand Rapids MI
Alger Public & Seymour
Grand Rapids MI